Moses and Mike

Meekness is a lens to view the world and the Word. I saw two powerful portraits of it in the last 24 hours: Mike and Moses. Mike and his wife have been family friends for almost three decades. They attended my graduation party and our wedding ceremony. They even babysat baby Sam as I sat…

More Meek?

Mom, that sounds like you and Dad arguing, ya’ know? So interjected seven-year-old Gabe, as I wrote this very post yesterday. In the background, a radio talk show host was arguing with a caller. I wish I could say his comment was scripted. In May I posted an introduction to Mademoiselle Meekness.  I offered some reasons…

One More Hibernophile

“He had been thinking of how landscape moulds a language. It was impossible to imagine these hills giving forth anything but the soft syllables of Irish, just as only certain forms of German could be spoken on the high crags of Europe; or Dutch in the muddy, guttural, phlegmish lowlands.”  -Alexander McCall Smith,  Portugese Irregular…

When Everything Means Nothing

Thank you God for everything in this world. Such was Gabe’s rush to pizza prayer before dinner last night. I followed up with with some “thanks-for-everything” means “thanks-for-nothing” motherly instruction.  Be specific, boys. God wants to hear the details.  Thank Him for two good times you had today.  Then, this morning the AM talk show…