Wonders of the Word
“Open my eyes that I may see wondrous things in your law.” – Psalm 119:18
First a little background. WOW began as a Facebook group for my friends and me to connect around our shared Scripture memory.
From January through December 2015, we’ve posted our way through the Bible in a year. Then, from January to August 2016 the site was devoted to a mighty work of grace, of working out as Christ works in- memorizing all of Ephesians. Next came Isaiah 40, the “Gospel of Isaiah.” It begins with “Comfort, comfort, my people, says your God,” and ends with, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Then more beholding God’s glory and being encouraged in ministry 2 Corinthians 3:18-6:2. For Lent this year we’re meditating on Isaiah’s first and last Servant Songs, It’s God’s merciful, majestic glory all the way through.
Want to come along?
There’s no better way to be strong in the Lord and the strength of his might, than to meditate on his Word. When we hide it away in hearts, it’s there to help us do battle with sin. And in John 17:17, Jesus prayed, “Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.” “Sanctify” means making holy or godly or loving or pure . If we are sanctified by the truth and the truth is found in the God’s Word, what should we do?
John Piper answers that with this:
If a doctor says, “You’re very sick and may die of your sickness, but if you will take this medicine, you will get well and live,” and you neglect to take the medicine — too busy, the pills are big and hard to swallow, just forgetful — you are going to stay sick and you may die. That’s the way it is with sin and spiritual immaturity. If you neglect what God tells you will sanctify you and make you mature and strong and holy, then you will not be mature and strong and holy. Reading, and meditating on and memorizing and cherishing the Word of God is God’s appointed way of overcoming sin and becoming a strong, godly, mature, loving, wise person.
God uses means.
And seeing the wonders in His Word in one huge means. It’s there, we behold the glory of God and are transformed into his image from glory to glory. That’s why WOW exists. Maybe you just stumbled over. But maybe just maybe, you’re ready to be WOW’ed. Join us. Maybe you just want to read along or maybe memorize with us. Either way, you’re welcome.
Here’s to eyes wide open and hearts enlightened and our lives transformed from glory to glory. For His glory. And from grace to grace. By His grace.
Love to have you come along.