I Am From
I am from
A hard-rock maple, leaves-in, dining room table
A rusty Ford Granada and Dad’s brassy menorah
I am from
A parsonage beside the red barn church
A little white goat barn and the huge console radio where the Sugar Creek Gang came
I am from
Vegetable field gardens
Whose open arms taught me there’s return on work and never to mind some dirt
I am from
Narnia and Little House on the Prairie
Harvey and Elaine and Hazel and Al
Hard-working, God-fearing, straight-talkers
Hay-baling, deep-thinking, goat-milking farmers
I am from
Football and hymn-sings after Thanksgiving dinner and fish and bread at Easter dawn
Dad’s creamy oatmeal and Mom’s squash pumpkin pies
Great-great grandpa’s flu-time raising to life
and from
Never knowing vivacious Grandma Joanne
I am from
Weeding rows and milking goats, from hiking country lanes, from a family who whips real cream in stainless steel and prays
And from always God with us.
From always knowing that. From God.
Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
Psalm 90:1-2
? ? ? ? ? ?? ⛪️ ? ?
? Now it’s your turn. Where are you from?
Need help getting started? This site has a ? template to help you write your own “I Am From” poem. I’d ? to read it when it’s ✅ .